Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Hey Everyone!!!!
Well I'm finally here in Indianapolis and Sister Lisa Summers is my companion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We were so excited at transfer meeting so she has been a great trainer and we are having tons of working hard for sure. Our area is in Indianapolis and we are over a YSA branch so it's been fun to be able to relate to them. We are living with Sister Leonard who is about 70+ and we live in a town called Speedway, it's about 5 minutes away from Indianapolis Speedway so that's pretty cool. The first two nights all of us newbies stayed at the mission home in Carmel which is absolutely beautiful town, I think it was built in a forest and the homes are just dreamy and the mission home is gorgeous. President and Sister Collins were hilarious when we all met them at the airport, she just started jumping up and down ad taking tons of pictures! They are seriously the sweetest people and I love them to pieces. I have a great interview with President Collins and he is so kind and very in tun with the Spirit.

Sister Summers and I have had some great experiences and hopefully we be having a few baptisms coming up. We met with an adorable girl, Renee, yesterday and I extended the baptismal commitment to her. I couldn't believe I did it, but the spirit was so strong and I just pray that she will continue to know that the things we have taught her are true and that she will come to the singles ward on sunday. We had a really funny experience yesterday, we were invited by Sister Mary Chandler who isn't a member of but loves feeding the missionaries. I have no idea what I ate but it was interesting. I think she just grabbed a bunch of ingredients, set the oven to 350 and called it good. We went and helped a sweet old lady clean her whole house yesterday and I have never seen zebra striped wallpaper used so much!

The work is starting to pick back up here, it's hard working with the singles because they are everywhere all the time, but they are all back from Christmas break so hopefully we will be able to make more contacts. I can't believe I'm on a mission and getting right to work. Sister Summers has been amazing and we are working so well together. We just giggle at night and it's oh so much fun. I'm learning a lot and I love being busy. I can't believe I've been out over a month.

I'm going on exchanges with some of other sisters tomorrow and I'm excited. There are only 14 of us sisters so we all went to lunch after transfer meeting and they are such a blast, so it will be fun to be in a new area for a couple of days and get to know the sisters. I hope all is well at home and everyone is safe and happy. You are in my prayers continually throughout the day! I love being a missionary and the daughter of God that he needs me to be. This gospel is truly change people's hearts and it's amazing to see.

Sister Summers and I are off to do some grocery shopping and go to the Indiana State Museum today, we might go to the children's museum too, which is the largest children's museum:)
Sister Erica Lamb

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