Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Hello Everybody, Oh my goodness, the rain has been nonstop, but I love it so much. It gives me an excuse to wear my rain boots:) One of my new favorite things is hearing the rain here in Indiana, especially on all the trees, oh I will never forget how beautiful that sound is. The leaves are starting to turn and it's just so beautiful here. We went to visit someone in the branch, and her house is tucked away in this forest pretty much and I kept commenting on her yard, and she said that her mom already has her wedding planned for outside. I don't blame her, it's absolutely gorgeous. We had a lot of success this week and found some great potentials and we felt inspiration of where we should tract one day, and we were able to find a lot that day. We were invited into a lot of homes and we have two new investigators that we are excited about to teach this week. Sister Sneed and I got a lot of interesting comments nonetheless from people we talked to, our favorite was a guy asked us if we were nursing a baby. Yeah it was super awkward and we didn't know how in the world we were supposed to respond to that but it was pretty funny. We were PCing the other day and as we talked with lots of people, it was amazing how a lot of them commented on a glow that we had, that there was a light radiating from us and that they felt peaceful as we talked with them. It was really cool to hear and helped Sister Sneed and I out a lot. We did get some sad news though, we would go visit a lady named Louise occasionally and she was in a rest home and we went to go visit her on Saturday and we found out that she passed away earlier this week. The relief society broadcast was amazing!!! The Indy West Stake had a service project earlier, dinner and then the broadcast and so much work went into that. The stake has been collecting things for a school and also a childrens hospital for a couple of months and everything came together on Saturday. I cannot believe how much stuff was donated, it was a very touching thing. Especially all the baby things that were donated for Wishard Hospital, there are so many babies that go home wrapped in newspapers and so all that was donated they don't have to have that anymore. The broadcast was wonderful and it really helped me to regain my focus and I cannot wait for general conference this weekend!!!!! We have a couple of investigators that are planning on coming and I know that will be a great experience for them and for us to hear from our living prophet and his apostles. EEEkkkk I love conference:)) We had an exciting thing happen yesterday at our leadership training, we had Elder Evans from the quorom of the 70 come and teach us. It was quite intense but there were things that we definitely needed to hear. It was a very inspiring meeting and I'm excited to be able to implement the things that were said into my work as a missionary. Afterwards a bunch of us went to Steak N' Shake, and we kind took over the restarant:))) I'm doing just swell and I was so excited because transfers were last week and we got two new elders in our district, Elder Tracy and Elder Santy, and Elder Tracy came out with me and he is one of my favorites so I'm excited that he is in my district. I'm going to go and see if I can find a rain coat today, because, well yeah I need one:) Love, Sister Lamb

Monday, September 19, 2011

Hello my cute little family, I'm doing alright, it's been an up and down week and I have gotten a bit discouraged, but I have had a lot of support and that is helping. Our area is a bit slow right now and I of course tend to take that personal but I know that the Lord has something good in store for us, if we just keep working hard. We have been praying very diligently that we can receive refferrals and this week were able to receive three, it may not be that big of a number, but for us we were thrilled. The branch is continuing to support us a lot and we were able to take a lot of them out with us this past week. We had a lesson with a guy, Iran, that we were passing to the elders, because he is not in our stewardship, and so we had a joint lesson with him. We brought a girl from the branch that just moved in, Rachel, and Iran is from Ethopia and turns out Rachel spent five months in Ethopia!!! It was so fun to see them get to know each other and talk about Irans home. Sister Sneed and I sure got attached to Iran but we know that he will be in good hands. Oh my goodness we had an amazing sunday yesterday, the lessons and talks that were given I know were completely inspired. They were all focused on prayer and how we can receive answers and I'm so happy that Mike was there to listen and hopefully he let the Spirit into his heart. We had a lesson with him after church and he is weighing heavily on my heart. Something keeps bringing him back, something keeps telling him to keep listening to what we have to share, so I know he is feeling the spirit but he feels as if our gospel and the gospel he knows is different and we are just adding to his testimony, we helping to build a relationship with his Father in Heaven. He is such a good guy, that is an understatement, he is just incredible. We had an amazing opportunity on Saturday to do some service for the community up in Carmel. It was two stakes and we got together to clean up a park, that is absolutely beautiful, because it's in Carmel, but we were hauling out trees and honeysuckle and it was so much fun. There were a ton of missionaries and then I can't remember how many wards came, but we Mormon Helping Hands and so there were yellow shirts everywhere. It was a good thing for us to be there to help the community, especially where there has been some conflict with the building of the temple, we were able to show that we want to be a assest to the communities. It was good to get dirty, but man oh man we were so tired afterwards. We rode up with some girls in the branch, and we went and drove by where the temple is going to be! We were so excited:)))))) This weekend there was a huge car show and oh my goodness mom and dad you would have loved it. We were constantly passing the COOLEST cars all weekend. They had the car show at the racetrack and I think it was called 'GoodGuys' so we should all totally come back this time next year and go to it. I think they were racing some hot rods and things like that as well. I wanted to take pictures but I was driving so...yeah. It's getting a lot cooler and I love it. Transfers are this week, but Sister Sneed and I didn't get a call so we are staying. By the end of this next transfer I will have been in this area for 9 months! It's weird to think that I have only been in two areas since I have been out, but I know that the Lord is so involved in this work. I'm excited though because my district leader is staying as well, he is just a hoot. Oh I do have a favor to ask of you, could you get a copy of this past conference ensign and bind it for me? I think it would be cool to have the conference ensigns from my mission, so if you could do that, that would be awesome and could you send me a copy of October's ensign? It's going to be focused completely on the Book of Mormon and I would love to have my own copy. Lots of Love, Sister Lamb

Monday, September 12, 2011

Dear Family & Friends, Fall is getting closer and I can hardly wait!!!!!! I can't believe how much it has cooled down and it's so refreshing:)) I got to go on exchanges this week and Sister Valencia came to my area and that was so much fun. We were able to teach quite a bit together and she is wonderful teacher and has an awesome testimony. We got to teach a guy that was half drunk so that was interesting but I know we were there to let him know that he was a son of God. He didn't believe it but he has a little seed of faith that hopefully he won't forget who he is and that he does have potential. We also got to teach Mike, this was our second lesson with him and we taught the Book of Mormon the whole time. We are worried that he isn't giving it a chance and going to all these outside sources and so we pretty much told him straight that if he wants to know if the Book of Mormon is true, here is 531 pages to find out. He is amazing and I'm so grateful that we have this opportunity with him. He is wondeful and has admirable faith in God, now he just needs to act on that faith. I was so happy that I got to see Sherrie, a member of the branch, before she left for Utah. She took us to lunch on Friday and we just cried and cried because we have gotten really close and she is a dear friend so it was sad to see her go but I know she is going to love Utah:) Sister Sneed and I had a cool experience of a girl that we tracted into and she invited us to come back. We went back and she told us that she is atheist but we taught her about having faith and hope for her future and for her daughter and she responded well to that. We also told her that she can have more hope through prayer and we taught her how to pray and she prayed at the end of our lesson. We were so excited when we walked out that lesson! Last night was so much, because we had Why I Believe and Mike was able to come and that helped him a lot to hear other people testimonies who have recently joined the church and Luke, one of my recent converts,came as well and he had exciting news for me:) He is receiving the priesthood next week, he has been studying the sacrament prayers and he is excited and wants to learn more and understand it. AAAAHHH it fills me with joy to see how far he has come. He is a miracle. Things are just dandy right now and I'm grateful to my Heavenly Father that I am here, even though I can't believe this transfer is almost over, goodness gracious! It's been a incredible learning experience that's for sure! I love you all and I'm so thankful for all of your support as I have been out here, it's something I reflect a lot to help me get through the hard times, so thank you. Love, Sister Lamb

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Dear Family, Things have been going well especially in our branch. We have five branch missionaries and our mission leader is continuing to help us any way he can. The vibe in the branch is changing and I'm excited to be able to use it to our advantage and really help the members. Our mission leader bore his testimony on Sunday and he mentioned in his testimony that he would trust his friends to be taught by Sister Sneed and I and that if anyone has a friend that could benefit from our message that they would be in good hands. It just meant the world to us. I have never worked with branch missionaries so I'm excited to have a fresh start but I don't really know where to even start. Sister Sneed and I taught our gospel principles class and Sister Sneed did so well and I see that she is getting more comfortable in the branch. We had a good week and it was so fun because after institute we were able to give a church tour to some investigators that were there. It was awesome, especially when we got to the chapel and talked about the sacrament, the spirit was very strong and it was beautiful. One of the guys that was came, we had our first lesson with him on Monday and he is awesome!!! He has lots of questions and really has a desire to know the truth for himself. He is going to be coming to Why I Believe this sunday and I think that will help him to hear testimonies of those that haven't grown up in the church. We had a training meeting for all trainers and trainees yesterday and holy moly it was incredible. President taught about receiving revelation through prayer and how we can help those we teach receive that revelation as well. One of the many things that he said that impacted me was that when Adam was in the Garden he was able to walk and talk with God, which is an incredible concept to think about, and that He told Adam that he wouldn't be able to do this forever and taught him that prayer was a way that he could still communicate with Him. We also had trainings from our three assistants and they just helped us all so much give a perspective and find joy in missionary work. Elder Banner gave an amazing training on getting the most out of our personal study and we talked about the scripture James 1:5 and then dug a little deeper. We looked up James in the Topical Guide and he was Christs brother and it makes total sense that he would help lead the gospel to be restored. I don't know it was such an Ah-ha moment for all of us in the training. At the end of his training he mentioned that we are not going to be the face of the church forever, yeah at that point my stomach sunk and I just can't believe how fast this time is going. Next week I hit my 9 month mark, I'm halfway done...BAAAA! I'm still trying to figure out what I'm doing:))) Sister Sneed and I are working hard and really trying hard to find new investigators. I love this work so much and I love the principle of prayer and how I can receive revelation on what the people of Indiana need. I have been relying so much on the spirit and I have been able to know how the spirit speaks to me and learning the language of the spirit has been helping me in all aspects of this work. She gave me a sweet compliment the other night and asked me how I have become so immersed in the work. That just meant the world to me and I was able to reflect back on how much I have grown and how much the Lord has really guided me. The other night I was talking to my district leader, Elder McAllister and he told me it was joy to be around me and that I am sincerely happy. I'm definitely not bubbly 24/7 but I have really found myself and I love who I am and it's because of this gospel. It's starting to get cold here and I'm having to break out my tights and scarves!!! There was a torando the other night and it was so sad to see some of the corn fields and huge trees just demolished. We had a dinner appointment and then a girl from the branch took us to our next appointment and we drove by where a lot of the damage was done. It must have just touched down for a moment but man oh man it hit hard. I love my Savior and what he has done for me and I know that this gospel is the source of all happiness. I LOVE YOU SOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH. Love, Sister Lamb